- Advani (Geography and Development)
- Andaya (Trade and Development)
- Angeles (Women and Development)
- Baquiran (Human Rights and Development)
- Belgira (Ecology and Development)
- Bruselas (Human Resources and Development)
- Caanta (Technology and Development)
- Cauton (Public Administration and Development)
- Concepcion (Agriculture and Development)
- Dela Cruz (Service Sector and Development)
- Duquiatan (Tourism and Development)
- Eguico (Health and Development)
- Elefan (Policy and Development)
- Fernandez (Social Research and Development)
- Francisco (Civil Society and Development)
- Gamao (Taxation and Development)
- Hechanova (Community Organizing and Development)
- Hondrade (Peace and Development)
- Javier (Judiciary and Development)
- Lara (Nationalism and Development)
- Lopez (Social Capital and Development)
- Martinez (Culture and Development)
- Mayoca (Gender and Development)
- Meneses (Media and Development)
- Onanad (Education and Development)
- Politud (Energy and Development)
- Rosales (Public Sector Reform and Development)
- Tan (Housing and Development)
- Tecson (Population and Development)
- Tibon (Land Reform and Development)
- Villanueva, K. (Diplomacy and Development)
- Villanueva, S. (Foreign Investment and Development)
- Yasay (Local Government and Development)
- Infoload. Process. Analyze.