Thursday, June 16, 2011

Agenda (June 21, 23)

  • NSTP (T) = discussion about the sociology of education; be able to read online materials about the subject matter
  • DS 127a (T) = discussion about the political economy of water; reporting by Pojas on the impact of corruption in water resource management (20 mins, without hand-outs)
  • DS 127b (T) = discussion about the political economy of water; reporting by Arceo on polluter pay principle involving water pollution (20 min, with hand-outs)
  • Econ 151 (T) = discussion about C. Habito's "Is tax collection getting better?"
  • Econ 115 (Th) = continuation of the photo and poster screening for the Praksis conference; quiz on the service sector overview
  • DS 123 (Th) = continuation of the introduction to health social science; reporting by Domingo on students' health
  • DS 121 (Th) = continuation of the introduction to poverty concepts; reporting by Arceo on the culture of poverty
  • DS 126 (Th) = discussion, quiz and LPS about the Philippine presidency; reporting by Fabros on the politics of Marcos burial

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...