Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26-27

  • NSTP = graded recitation (covered topics: sociology of education, manifest and latent functions of education, basic literacy, functional literacy, aliterate, UP Open University, madrasah, human development index, hidden curriculum, neoliberal education, transformative education, pedagogy of the oppressed, Edgar Jopson, educated unemployed)
  • DS 127 = long test (coverage: eco-cosplay hand-outs, news/current events about Philippine environment, featured eco-bookmark at the DSS bulletin board)
  • DS 126 = individual reporting
    PNoy's political victories
    PNoy's political losses
    PNoy's approval, satisfaction and trust ratings
    PNoy's controversies and blunders
  • DS 123 = health-seeking behavior and sociological perspectives on health and medicine; health advisory submission (blood health)
  • Econ 115 = unemployment
  • DS 121 = individual presentation (continuation) and long test on poverty concepts

DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)

Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...