Thursday, August 22, 2013

Development Studies 121 (poverty studies cosplay for Tuesday) - 4 members per group

Filipina nurses assigned in blood banks
Sex for flight victims
"Babaeng basa" in poor coastal villages
Women in food-for-work program
Female headed poor households
Female prostitution in calamity aftermath
Women welders
TESDA's Supermaid Course
Kababaihang manininda (women in the informal sector)

- Ms. Aljibe will coordinate the tasking of topics.
- Deliverables - cosplayer with oneliner conviction statement, discussant (everyone should prepare to discuss, 5 minutes only), hand-outs (10 pcs only, B/W), visual aid, reflection paper (English, 2000 words)


DS 141 topics

1. conventional medicine and Cuban social medicine 2. primary health care, secondary health care and tertiary health care 3. germ theory and...