Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sept 28 (Friday)

  • NSTP - gallery of activist armchair exhibit, submission of the penalty reaction papers
  • DS 127 (toxic) - exam (please arrive on time, coverage below*), submission of the encyclopedia outlines (2nd batch of students), submission of project deliverables, climate change initiative flipchart presentation to other students
    *exam coverage
    Political economy of food and nutrition (compiled hand-outs)
    Political economy of environmental health (compiled hand-outs)
    Bulatlat environment-related articles (2)
    Disaster risk reduction and management outline
    Writ of kalikasan outline
    Philippine ecotourism outline
    Ecotourism and indigenous tourism overview
    Bakwet flyer
    Segovia's eco-glossary
    Ponsaran's natural economics article compilation
  • DS 126 - Philippine elections cosplay
  • DS 123 - Sociology of death and dying lecture

DS 100

1. "unholy alliance" 2. power and control 3. development 4. value-free Social Science 5. social situatedness when the DS Program w...