DS 100 - final exam (cover to cover)
DS 112 - team building (topic: community development) - modified group exam and exam by elimination
Blue team - Aclan, Aljibe, Altura, Arras*, Asprec, Malabad
Green team - Avenido, Banzuela, Bartolata, Basco*, Bobadilla, Serrano
Red team - Calpatura, Chan*, Cruz, Dalisay, Durana
Ethnic team - Francisco, Guiyab*, Hermogenes, Ignacio, Jose
Purple team - Karamihan*, Lumibao, Luna, Magsino, Naco
Black team - Perez, Ramos, Ramos, Ricaforte, Saqueton*
Invite one senior/junior Development Studies major in your team.
*Please consolidate and prepare your group members.
DS 112 - team building (topic: community organizing) - modified group exam and exam by elimination
Orange team - Acosta, Baco, Bagalayos, Bata*, Betito
Gray team - Carpon, Dador, Dela Cruz, Del Rosario, Dumalaog*
Yellow team - Esquibel, Festin*, Franco, Galgo, Guiang
Pink team - Janer, Jayag, Lumbang*, Magday, Monzon
Brown team - Nacario, Nombrado, Pajinag*, Pinoy, Policarpio, Zubiri
White team - Quinto, Ramirez*, Reyes, Senson, Sese, Siapo
Invite one senior/junior Development Studies major in your team.
*Please consolidate and prepare your group members.
EDM 211 - We will have an ACLE (alternative classroom learning experience) this Tuesday to be held at the PGH Atrium (in front of the health service office) at 5:30 pm in lieu of our regular session. In preparation for this ACLE, read online articles about indigenous people posted at www.bulatlat.com, www.pinoyweekly.org, www.twnside.org.sg, and www.tebtebba.org. I will also collect your final project combo in the same venue. Please inform the rest.
Friday, March 21, 2014
DS 123 mini-reporting and group test (Tuesday)
Form a group of six members. Choose a color to represent your team. Wear your team color. Choose a subtopic from the list below. Avoid dupli...
kakayahan = n. ability, capability kakanyahan = n. individuality, identity Source: Prof. Amante del Mundo
deconstruction of pizza pie by DiwangPalaboy (pls. remember polysemous* ang maraming bagay) *multiple meaning at first i was afraid...
Topics 1. economics of agriculture 2. politics of agriculture 3. political economy of agriculture 4. geography of agriculture 5. psychology...